Thursday 28 June 2012


Dada is a art movement that i looked at that was made as a reaction to word war 1, I looked at the movement with the class and answered some knowledge ladder questions in groups we also tuck turns explaining what we thought the answers to some questions were. We videoed each other this video is what my group said but I having trouble loading it so I have added the notes we made:

I then made some responses to the movement which i also made link in to my theme which is Sci-Fi, In my responses i used images of the Pope and the Queen and made them look like humanoids similar to the terminator style.

I have not finished with theses yet and will update them when I have finished them

Thursday 21 June 2012

Sci-Fi posters

I looked at lots of Sci-Fi posters throw the years the oldest i could find was 1950s posters, I collected these to see how they have changed throw out the years :

Tuesday 19 June 2012

day 3 Unit 3

i have been looking at old Sci-Fi posters and the releases after them, for example i found the old and new Tron film posters:

Thursday 14 June 2012

day 2 unit 3

Found out two designers that made the original star was posters and the newer ones, Tom Jung (did original posters) and Drew Struzan, I also collected some more sci-fi posters from the internet.
this is the original star wars poster made by Tom Jung
this poster was one of the later star wars poster made by Drew Struzan

Wednesday 13 June 2012

day 1 unit3

found a Sci-Fi poster website , also thinking of H.R.giger as one artist.

day 1 unit 3 test post

For unit 3 i have decided to look at Sci-Fi, i am going to start by looking at sci-fi film posters and possible artists.